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Home > Chart analysis | The Best Stock Traders in India


More Doji Days in Banks

Posted on August 12, 2020 05:11 pm


Bank nifty used to have more Trending days. These days its exhibiting more choppy behaviour than Trending Behaviour. In the image below (EOD) you can see only 4 out of 21 trade days the Bank index moved above the average range. 3 or 4 days minor trend and rest all Doji bars and narrow range days in EOD, which means market was rattling up and down making it tough for Intraday Trend trader. I did a small back test. The Average travel range was much higher in septemeber than any other months. Average range is high - low of particular day. So Expecting these periods of choppiness brings trending behaviour soon as we near september. 



Cheers !!!



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